Sara’s Page

Sara’s page will be the “Guest Book” where she can be remembered. Please submit your story or favorite memory to us and we’ll get it posted.

Oct 07
When we joined Winnegamie Dog Club in 2006, Tom and Sara were two of the first people that we got to know. We would all get together on Sunday mornings to train agility. Tom thought it would be good for Brody to have a constructive outlet for his exuberant energy. Brody never did quite get the concept of actually following a course, but he sure had a lot of fun running and jumping. We soon found that Tom and Sara were active volunteers at almost every club activity. In spite of her own limitations, Sara was always helping out in the kitchen or welcoming people to the club. She will be greatly missed by so many people. She will always be in our hearts.
Bruce Ziesemer & Marie Murphy

"Your living is determined not so much by what life brings to you as by the attitude you bring to life; not so much by what happens to you as by the way your mind looks at what happens. " ......Kahlil Gibran I will always remember Sara for her smile and her willingness to do what she could in the face of obvious adversity. She is a role model for all of us.... Laurel Stone